Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring Fling

nothing helps cheer a girl up faster than a fabulous party, especially one populated by her dearest friends who rally in her home and raise a glass to nothing in particular. i think i will make this an annual tradition from now on: The Purposeless Party. no gifts, costumes or holiday greetings required. just people standing around drinking, which is, for all intents and purposes, the essence of all parties are anyway.

of course this could never replace the self-indulgent birthday bonanza extravaganza i host for myself each june. that’s still on the calendar for this june, when i will be turning the inconsequential age of 31. expect no melodramatic chronicles or lamentations. i might even make the party all about my pup Juice, who also has her birthday in june. she will be turning the all-important age of 5.

but back to real-time... here are a few party pix.

even purposeless panties parties need a name: Mo and i called our the Ides of March Flirt-Fest and Cocktail Giveaway. the flirty Care Bear panties appeared on the Evite, and inspired guests to be very “creative” when leaving their acceptance or declination response. great examples of this were juan’s “going commando!!” acceptance and dee’s philosophical musing “what if you have menses?”

stocked and artfully arranged: was the outdoor bar.

the welcoming committee: Juice on the lookout for people whose faces she can lick.

it was 9:30pm: Mo and i started to get nervous, all like “no one is coming. our party is a dud. cancel the strippers.” just kidding, there were no strippers, only clowns.

hijinks & hilarity: the clown’s name was Damien.

and the people came: and they drank and rejoiced and blew cigarette smoke at me and my camera.

always auditioning: my favorite coworker and token actor friend Phillip gives a headshot smile by the tree.

it got cold: so we hauled our asses inside.

c/o ’94: Ann, Raidis and Damien representing for our high school daze, as usual.

talk talks: Mo and Phillip debate the word “conversate.”

the alien hand? Frank’s hang loose might be the reincarnation of Dave’s alien hand, which was sadly not in attendance this time.

laugh laughs: Juice told the funniest joke to Raidis.

lick licks: then she planted a sloppy one on Ann, who had crumbs on her face.

kiss kisses: wendy the goddess, with her fiery plant halo, smooches juan the lucky bastard.

and you should have seen the orgy that followed. but those photos are not for public posting. just kidding! we only had clowns.

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