Monday, April 30, 2012

One-Hit Wonders: April 2012 terms inexplicably pulling up this blog...
  • bunch of beefeaters standing around and comparing hats.
  • can i take a shower after fever breaks
  • famous neon disco party
  • gossip interested face
  • my dopeness
  • she emptied her bladder into my mouth
  • "my yoga instructor" and "large breasts"
  • do i need a permit to remodel my kitchen in los angeles


Juanus said...

well? Do i need a permit to remodel my kitchen in Los Angeles? The City Inspectors seem to be a bunch of beefeaters standing around and comparing hats. Luckily my yoga instructor has large breasts to keep me distracted. Except one day , while I was doing my Warrior II pose, she emptied her bladder into my mouth. At first I thought it was my dopeness that made her do it, but later she told me that move is called the famous neon disco party. That must be in the advanced class. Non the less, I made a gossip interested face and I haven't felt well since. can i take a shower after fever breaks?

Milla said...

wow! that was gangster, juanus.